Lui Thinks Outside The Box: Tina Nguyen

Warum machst du den Job, den du machst?

To help people find health and happiness. Then, are they more likely to elevate themselves and spread kindness for a better world.

Schönster Moment mit einem Kunde?

One client told me that for 10 years she always had pain killers in her bag or in the house just in case she had her bouts of pain after a terrible car accident. One afternoon, after one year of working together, she told me this and that earlier that morning she had thrown them all out.

Beschreibe dich in 3 Worten.

curious, private, cooking

Dein größtes Learning in der letzten Woche?
Disappointment only comes from not adequately managing

Was treibt dich an?

Contributing to society by offering an honest high-quality service because I won the lottery of having refugee parents that gave birth to me in Canada to enable the opportunities and education that have allowed me to be here today.

Umgang mit der aktuellen Situation:

Welche neuen Erkenntnisse hast du in den letzten Wochen über dich, dein Verhalten und deine Emotionen gewonnen?

I asked myself a lot of questions this week, I have no yet come to the answers.

Wenn du erklären müsstest, was dich im Umgang mit Unsicherheit und Krise erfolgreich gemacht hat, was würdest du sagen?

There are two things that are very important to helping me through difficult times. First, I took a lot of time to clarify my purpose. What is my business' and my work's contribution to society? Is the question that I asked myself. This helped me to navigate my way through making tough decisions and choices. Second, it also took a lot of time and experience to clarify what the vision is. These two things, purpose and vision, help me to stay motivated and on track.

Wenn du jemandem ein noch besseres Vorbild sein könntest, für wen wäre das und was würde dich verbessern?

My sister. I wish I would have learned to be more patient and a better listener earlier. We are soul mates though, so everything worked out in the end.

Wenn du dich stärker für deine optimale Gesundheit einsetzen würdest, was würdest du anfangen zu tun? Und womit würdest du aufhören?

I would run and sleep more than I do. I would cut the time I spend on social media streams.

Einblick in deine tägliche Arbeit

Welches Tool nutzt du im Training am häufigsten?

Tennis balls and kettlebells

Was ist im Training für dich die größte Challange?

Finding the time to join our own classes

Was ist im Training mit Kunden für dich die größte Challenge?

During private training, it mostly it comes down to my ability to compliment to each clients temperament, comfort level, and goals. During group training, it comes down to energy management and socialisation between members. The most difficult classes are the classes where individuals are resistant to working with one another.

Was ist der größte Bullshit in der Branche deiner Meinung nach?

There's too many to list. I will summarise that the lack of understanding of what it means to actually be healthy and the perception of what strength training is.
Welche Weiterbildung findest du persönlich für deine Arbeit am hilfreichsten?

The entire Z-Health Curriculum

Wenn du nur noch einen Test / Assessment mit deinen Kunden machen könntest, welcher wäre das?

Running. Even though I am by no means a runner. It is one of the most effective way to integrate the nervous system.

Wenn du nur noch einen Test / Assessment mit deinen Kunden machen könntest, welcher wäre das?

Gait assessment (walking)

Was war dein spannendster Fall?

I have had many moments crying with or about my clients successes. However, the most exciting was watching Dominik Bittner sing the national German anthem at an international hockey game, just 6 weeks after a serious concussion.

Was war dein frustrierendster Fall?

I worked with her for a couple years and we stopped working together before I could get her to do a good squat without falling over. This was one of the most frustrating cases I have ever had.

Danke für deine Zeit. Mehr Infos zu Tina Nguyen:


Lui Thinks Outside The Box: Daniel van den Boom